How do you spend Christmas?

Tesco have released some very interesting facts about our Christmas habits and behaviour. Here are my top 6.

1. 65% are planning to have a festive glass of bubbly from as early as 9am on the big day. Is this for relaxation or to cope with the stress of the ‘big day’ and all the family?

2. On average we buy 12 gifts for family and friends.

3. On average we spend £28.30 on each of these gifts.

4. A lucky 1 in 5 have someone else cooking their Christmas lunch until they are at least 30.

5. Half of us hope for a white Christmas. I assume that is, as long as it doesn’t stop us enjoying the festivities and all the Christmas parties!

6. But 90% wouldn’t travel abroad at Christmas to just to see snow regardless of the price. So we must all be doing something right regarding our own Christmas traditions.

Hope 2014 is a good one for you and yours. But why not break with tradition and try just one new thing this year. Go on I dare you!