In some ways it’s hard to believe we have now been operating for 4 years, time has flown so fast, yet we have achieved so much in this short space of time. I personally have loved every minute of it.

In the beginning…. FN Research was positioned as an individual consultant but over the last 2 years we have flourished and bloomed into a full blown research agency with 5 executives on board. Our size now allows us to service all types of research projects from telephone, face to face and on-line through depths, groups, observations and ethnography.

However, we have not lost our initial values and still very much focus on customer service, being responsive and pro-active. We always go the extra mile for our clients (even if that means thinking outside the norm or working through the night). We will deliver what we promise!

I still head up all projects personally and actively take part in at least some of the research elements of every project, that may be activities such as moderation or questionnaire design and I always design the report and present the findings personally.

The rest of the team are fantastic and have been extremely supportive and flexible to help us grow to this level. I am very proud of them and in return they seem to relish working for our little company.

Looking to the future, 2015 is already shaping up to be an interesting and very busy year. In light of this we are expanding our executive team further with the inclusion of another very capable and experienced consultant. Her name will be revealed in due course.

So if you want high levels of professionalism and experience but also want to consider more creative, cost effective ways of conducting traditional research why not gives us a call? We always like to be challenged!

And who knows what else we will have achieved in next year…..