FN Research Ltd is in its fifth year of trading, we are delighted to announce that we have increased our group moderating team over the past year.
We now have 3 highly experienced Group Moderators with nearly 50 years of combined moderating experience between them (both male and female) to resource our client needs.
The team is headed up by myself, Fiona Norman, and I am highly involved in every project. But I am now also supported by these 2 experienced individuals, we have the capability and resources to progress more projects with faster turnaround times.
We are delighted to say we have also applied additional levels of quality to our qualitative insight process. All discussions are now interrogated by a second member of the moderating team who double checks understanding against the reported findings. This ensures further objectivity and insight to all our reports.
So if you want that personal touch in your market research project in Northern Ireland and the highest level of quality then please get in touch.