A Market Research Agency providing Information, Knowledge & Clarity

The 3 key pillars of our service offering. FN Research provides you with the Information, Knowledge and Clarity you need to make informed decisions for your organisation based on market research insights.

FN Research – a leading NI Market Research Agency

FN Research is an award-winning market research agency and will skilfully guide you through the whole process from proposal, through best methodology to interpretation of results. We will provide knowledge and clarity on which to make business decisions and give a deeper understanding of your brands.
We are passionate about information and knowledge. We provide our clients with detailed, bespoke insight to make commercial decisions and provide solutions to business problems. In short, we listen to your consumers!

FN Research Promise

Our Promise

We work closely with our clients to provide bespoke cost-effective solutions. We aim to become your trusted research partner.

FN Research Vision

Our Vision

To be the best research agency and the trusted go to partner of our clients

Our Mission

To provide information, knowledge and clarity in the business decision making process for our clients.

Some of Our Clients…

“We were very happy with the insight received, it was professionally presented and received extremely promptly.

I would have no hesitation recommending FN Research.”

Neills Flour, Allied Mills

“One of the main reasons we utilise Fiona’s expertise is her ability to wade through mounds of research findings and pull out gems of recommendations.”

Power NI

Fiona and the team at FN Research delivered a project for BT Northern Ireland on cyber security issues amongst leading private and public sector companies.


Sectors we serve

We possess significant experience in delivering high-quality market research across a wide range of sectors. Since 2011, we’ve worked with a large spectrum of organisations but always provide bespoke solutions to help our clients meet their objectives.

Government & Local Councils
Food & Drink
Advertising & PR
New Product Development
Leisure & Tourism
Federations & Industry Bodies
Consumer Goods
Consumer Attitudes
Retail & Town Centre

Let’s have chat

If you would like to find out more about how FN Research can help you gain more insights and clarity for your organisation, use the form to send us your details and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.